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Blog Name Ideas: 10 Tips To Pick The Perfect Name For Your Blog

Moeez — November 20, 2018 6 Minutes Read
blog name ideas

You’re here to know how to name a blog. Consider a blog as your baby. It is difficult to come up with a name that stands out. Moreover, coming up with blog name ideas that is both intuitive and catchy can be daunting but an experience in itself.

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Picking a name for your blog isn’t that difficult, to be honest, but the right name with the right length with the name itself giving a sense of creativity is rare. The most known brands in the world named their blogs with respect to their names. Some of the most followed blogs in the world had names that were not only easy to remember but easy to relate.

In this article, we’ll share a few tips on how to name a blog. We won’t only help those with personal, but with business blogs as well. Before going into details, we need to get a few things sorted out to make the procedure simpler. Before you start brainstorming, consider the following questions first:

  • What is your blog about?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What tone of voice you’ll be using in your blog?
  • Will your blog build upon your business, brand or service?

For a Personal Blog

Consider a Thesaurus

Coming up blog naming ideas might require you to look into a thesaurus first. This practice will help you come up with synonyms and alternative names for your niche. Moreover, going through a thesaurus also provides you with newer ideas and alternative ways of thinking, ways that are unconventional but proven to be creative as well. Having a personal blog, provides you the freedom of being creative without being so restrictive and serious like you might be for a business orientated blog.

Watch your Competitors

How to name a blog? For starters, keeping a close eye on your competitors will also help you figure out good, catchy and creative blog name ideas. While looking at your competitors, you can also analyze the tone and voice they are using in their blogs, which might indicate the type of name they have selected.

Take Opinions of Others

When it comes to blog name ideas for your personal blog, taking the opinions of others works wonders.

You can try finding great blog name ideas with a group of friends or colleagues who would have different ideas of their own. Variety is always welcome in this regard. With an individual sense from every individual, it would help you explore many blog name ideas and come up with an intuitive name, not to mention the great experience.

Try Humor

Injecting humor is a great idea when coming up with blog name ideas. It not only attracts people towards your blog but it’s easy to pronounce and easy to find as well. Using mild slang words or even interactions of your name sometimes can help make you unique in the eyes of visitors who would be looking for you.

When you choose a name that coincides with yours, it makes your blog even more attractive. Couple that with a creative idea and you are on your way to having a very nice, attractive blog name that is unique to you and your visitors.

Try the Internet for Suggestions

You can try blog name generators, ask around on forums or just try a simple Google search to see what comes up. It could actually be a very profound experience to know what other people think about your blog’s name and what you should select.

For a more expansive journey on how to name a blog, you can try asking for suggestions on social media via Facebook, Twitter or even look around on Pinterest where people share their passions. The list goes on when you would think of phrases that would help you find the right name or an abbreviation that might trigger a name through it. Referring to communities is one of the best ways we can suggest to find the right name for your blog.

Since most people try naming their blogs according to their interests, it is easy to find alternative blog name ideas from your competitors’ names but that does not always work either. It creates similarities and makes it difficult for visitors to track you. Have you figured out the type of visitors you would get?

Many bloggers have named their blogs with respect to the goals they wanted to achieve which coincided directly to their visitors making the blog itself attractive.

Remember, the blog name should grab the attention of your audience in a way they’re intrigued to know more about you and what you have to say through your writing.

For a Business Blog

Analyze your Competitors

One of the first things to do when figuring out on how to name a business blog, is to analyze your competitors and see the tone of voice they are using in their content. You can think of a name that is in some ways, either similar to theirs or a synonym that would not only be different, but intuitive and catchy. Do not be afraid of some creativity even if your blog’s catered towards a more serious audience.

If you have a brand to represent on your blog, you can use that name directly too, without it taking away from the main website.

Explore your Brand/Products/Business

You can try naming your blog after your very own business. By understanding the foundations of your very own brand, a product that you sell or a business you manage, you can figure out an intuitive name that would go great as a blog. Have you thought about what defines your business? What is the intrinsic value your business provides to customers? You can try to carve out a name through that value and use it as your blog’s name.

Writing about your brand is not as daunting as it seems, especially when it is a blog. Looking for a name that does justice to your brand is important. The name can enhance the overall appeal that your brand has in the eyes of its customers. This will also matter in the long run since you will be populating your blog on a regular basis.

Use Name Generation Tools

To help generate blog names, you can try out many online tools too. They also help you with great ideas. For starters, you can look into the Shopify Business Name Generator tool which happens to be quite popular in this regard.

When it comes to blog name help, you need to understand that the smaller the name is, the better the recall would be, so one might consider that business name generators might not cut it for you, but giving it a try won’t hurt either. From an SEO perspective, having a name that is close to, or coincides with a relevant keyword – that is about your business – will certainly help you stand out.

When customers or visitors look for a specific product or a brand that you are about, it is easier to find you first rather than scrolling through pages to find your blog. Of course the popularity of your blog will depend on its content, but having a name that itself is a keyword will help a lot.

Apart from Shopify business name generator tool, you can also look into the following tools as a brainstorming session for blog name ideas;

  • Namelix.com
  • Oberlo.com
  • Anadea Business Name Generator
  • WordLab Business Name Generator
  • NameMesh
  • Namestation
  • NameSubstance.com

Be Social About it

If you are still finding it difficult to get a suitable name for your blog, you can use social media for this purpose too. You can post your query on groups by creating a simple poll or general question on platforms like Facebook. Tweet about it on Twitter or even go through interest related platforms like Pinterest to get some inspiration.

Being professional, you can post a status or ask your peers on LinkedIn for suggestions. Using this network for professionals, you will have lots of options and suggestions to consider. Being out there on social media platforms plays a big part in figuring out a name for your blog.

In order to cultivate good, professional blog name ideas, it is important to take opinion of others. You can also formulate a brainstorming session with your colleagues and friends for more options on what to choose as your blog name that justifies your business in a better, more profound way.

Stick to the Basics

Sometimes sticking to the basics works fine, especially if you do not want to complicate the procedure for finding your blog’s name. Linking a blog to your business takes a rather simpler approach that helps visitors relate to your business, since your integrity also resides in the name. This is done because customers have a higher recall towards a name rather than lots of products under one name / brand.

It is imperative that you choose a name that is not only easy to pronounce but relates directly to either the business you’re in, the unique selling point (USP) of your product or service, or even the audience you are targeting towards. While this tactic also works on personal blogs, it is a better approach to keep things simpler and more basic when it comes to naming your blog in a more simpler way.

It’s Time to Name Your Blog!

Whether it is a personal or a professional blog, naming it can be a hassle. Nowadays you can find lots of tools that can help you with good blog name ideas. Sometimes naming a blog can define the amount of success an individual has but can also do the same for a blog that belongs to a business. Either way, you need to make sure that the name coincides with the business rather than feeling.

When it comes to personal blogs, you have the freedom to name it the way you want. Many successful bloggers ended up naming their blogs to their emotions, their way of communication or simply making it a casual which seemed fine knowing that they were only sharing their thoughts and emotions for an audience not involved in business or making sales.

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For more professional looking blogs, blog name ideas must match the brand’s name, and that is why some of the most renowned brands in the world do. Picking a name that is relatable to your brand, product or service will not only help you stand out, but also help others find you and follow you. Incorporate a name with the right principles and even going to the extent of using SEO services will work wonders while selecting a name for your blog.

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      Moeez is ‘The’ blogger in charge of WPblog. He loves to interact and learn about WordPress with people in the WordPress community. Outside his work life, Moeez spends time hanging out with his friends, playing Xbox and watching football on the weekends. You can get in touch with him at moeez[at]wpblog.com.



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